Latex Thesis Template
This is the latex code of my Bachelor's thesis. I deleted most content of the thesis, but left many important structures in there, so you can easily use the existing code as a template for your Bachelor's thesis, Master's thesis, PhD thesis or book. The code has the following functionalities:
external chapter files
list of tables, list of figures
ability to use the same code for creating dvi files AND pdf files
even with images, provided you have the eps and png files ready, see example
there are links in the final pdf file and the dvi file
different kinds of references
pretty source code listings
large tables that might exceed one page
works under Linux and Windows
pretty title page
the complete package, with sample images
The final pdf and dvi files: finalThesis.pdf
notice the links in the pdf file, very subtle, so it looks great when printed
Additional Information
Q: How do I create eps files or how can I convert png to eps images?
A: Download Inkscape
How to include a textfile
Useful for source code files
In the head section: \usepackage{fancyvrb }
For text file:\VerbatimInput[baselinestretch=1,fontsize=\footnotesize,numbers=left]{yourFileInSameDirectory.txt}