This is a bit old and needs reformating…

 Assign the same matrix to all elements of a struct array

  • Use the deal function and []:

  • [allGrad(:).Vb] = deal(df_Vb);

Multiply a 3d matrix with a vector to get a 2d matrix

  • % size(A) = [ 22 40 10]
    % size(v) = [ 1 10]
    H = bsxfun(@times,A,reshape(v,[1 1 length(v)]));
    H = sum(H ,3);
    % size(H) = [22 40]

Concatenate a cell array of matrices to one 3d matrix

  • mat3d = cat(3,manyMatrices{:});

Find a Row in Another Matrix

  • % check if queryRow is also a row in matrixToSearchIn
    [exists location] = ismember(queryRow,matrixToSearchIn,'rows')

  • bsxfun with eq, would work too

Preallocate a Cell Array of Full Matrices and Sparse Matrices

  • User some values insides the zeros function that resembles the size of your matrices

  • bigCellArray = cell(largeNumber,1);
    bigCellArray(:) = {zeros(1,80)};

  • For sparse matrices, we need to approximate how much data they are likely to store

  • oneMat = spalloc(numRows,numCols,40*numRows); % we have around at most numUsedCols = 40, each has numRows entries
    allMats = repmat({oneMat},totalNum,1);

Set the value at many (row,column) index pairs in a matrix

  • A(sub2ind(size(A),rowIndices,columnIndices))=1;

Create new matrix B where each column in A is repeated k times:

  • B=A(:,ceil([1:size(A,2)*k]/k));

Delete All-Zero Columns or Rows

  • If you want to delete all rows that contain only zeros:A=A(any(A,2),:)

  • This sets the matrix to all those rows we want, we can also explicitly delete them:A(~any(A,2),:) = [];

  • If you want to delete all columns that contain only zeros:A=A(:,any(A))

Find n smallest values in a matrix and return their indices

  • or just sort the entire matrix and get indices of sorted matrix elements[val pos ] = sort(costMatrix(:));
    [x,y] = ind2sub(size(costMatrix),pos);

Normalize rows of matrix to sum to 1

  • and do not produce an Na N?, if the sum is 0:E = spdiags(spfun(@(x) 1./x,sum(E,2)),0,size(E,1),size(E,1))*E;

Normalize each row or column to length one

  • % each row with diag:
    E = E*diag(spfun(@(x) 1./x,sqrt(sum(E.^2,1))),0);
    % or each column with bsxfun
    E= bsxfun(@times,1./sqrt(sum(E.^2)),E);

To free forgotten file handle locks

  • fclose('all')

Read in text file

  • each line in one char cellt = textread('plant.train','%s','delimiter', '\n');

Plot figure to a printable pdf of correct size

  • set dimensions by hand to fit your figure

  • set(gcf,'paperunits','centimeters')
    set(gcf,'papersize',[18,6]) % Desired outer dimensionsof figure
    set(gcf,'paperposition',[0,0,18,6]) % Place plot on figure
    print -dpdf myfigure.pdf


  • function s = cell2str(cellstr,delimeter)
    % Richard _at_ Socher - org
    % concatenates a cell array of strings into one long string

    if nargin==1
    delimeter = ','

    s = [];
    for i=1:length(cellstr),
    s = [s, cellstr{i}];
    if i~=length(cellstr),
    s = [s, delimeter];


  • never grow matrices inside a loop, always pre-allocate (even if you don't know how large it will be) with an upper bound on what you need and just delete zero or unused entries at the end

  • Never change a lot of rows in a matrix, instead change columns, since matlab is column major.

Frequently compare times of different functions

  • Use it to compare two possible ways to do the same thingtic; for i=1:10000;inv(rand(3,3));end;toc

Simple Parallelization

  • if you want to use 4 cores easily:matlabpool open 4
    parfor i = 1:length(parameter)

Good Optimization Package

General Matlab Speed-up Packages

Plot a tree with labels on each node

  • Abhishek Sharma modified the below file for prettier printing, see his files: Attach:myTreeplot.txt, Attach:makeTreeFromParsed.txt (change to .m after download)

  • function myTreeplot(p,labels)
    %TREEPLOT Plot picture of tree.
    % TREEPLOT(p) plots a picture of a tree given a row vector of
    % parent pointers, with p(i) == 0 for a root and labels on each node.
    % Example:
    % myTreeplot([2 4 2 0 6 4 6],{'i' 'like' 'labels' 'on' 'pretty' 'trees' '.'})
    % returns a binary tree with labels.
    % Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
    % $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/06/25 18:52:28 $
    % Modified by Richard @ Socher . org to display text labels

    [x,y,h]=treelayout(p,1:length(p)); % RS: The second argument (1:length(p)) ensures that the leaf nodes are printed in their original order in the parent vector
    f = find(p~=0);
    pp = p(f);
    X = [x(f); x(pp); repmat(NaN,size(f))];
    Y = [y(f); y(pp); repmat(NaN,size(f))];
    X = X(:);
    Y = Y(:);

    n = length(p);
    if n < 500,
    plot (x, y, 'ro', X, Y, 'r-');
    plot (X, Y, 'r-');
    xlabel(['height = ' int2str(h)]);
    axis([0 1 0 1]);

    for l=1:length(labels)

Convenient File Reading

  • Just reads a file into an array of cells, each cell holds one line

  • function fileLines = readTextFile(fileName)

    fid = fopen(fileName, 'r');
    fileLines = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n', 'bufsize', 99900000);
    fileLines = fileLines{1};

    % % % %Example usage:
    % fileName = '../data/someFile.csv'
    % fileLines = readTextFile(fileName);
    % for li = 1:length(fileLines)
    % [~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, splitLine] = regexp(fileLines{li}, '\t');
    % pols = regexp(fileLines{li}, '\[.(\d)\]', 'tokens');
    % %...
    % end

Read in Sparse Index:Value matrix

  • function sparseMat = readSparseFeatures(filename)
    % reads in a sparse index:value feature matrix
    % format: first line: number of colums,
    % remaning lines are index:value pairs
    % assumes that feature indices (columns) start at 0 (will add 1)
    % by
    fid = fopen(filename, 'r');
    fileLines = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n', 'bufsize', 99900000);
    fileLines = fileLines{1};

    numCols= str2double(fileLines{1});
    fileLines = fileLines(2:end);
    numRows = length(fileLines);

    % not pretty to keep adding these indices/values
    % but it's still fast for most files,
    % could pre-allocate these and then cut off afterwards
    allRows = [];
    allCols = [];
    allVals = [];
    for li = 1:length(fileLines)
    indexValuePairs = textscan(fileLines{li}, '%f:%f');
    allRows = [allRows; repmat(li,length(indexValuePairs{1}),1)];
    allCols = [allCols ;indexValuePairs{1}+1];
    allVals = [allVals ;indexValuePairs{2}];

    sparseMat = sparse(allRows,allCols,allVals,numRows,numCols);

Convenient Text File Writing of Matrices and String Cells

  • function writeTextFile(fileName,fileInput,opt)
    % writeTextFile(fileName,fileInput,options)
    % Prints a matrix to text file, a cell array of strings, or a cell array of cells of strings
    % opt.writeFlag =
    % 'a' open or create file for writing; append data to end of file
    % 'r+' open (do not create) file for reading and writing
    % 'w+' open or create file for reading and writing; discard
    % existing contents
    % 'a+' (default) open or create file for reading and writing; append data
    % to end of file
    % 'W' open file for writing without automatic flushing
    % 'A' open file for appending without automatic flushing
    % opt.separator =
    % '\n' (default) or ';' or ' ' etc.
    % richard _at_ socher .org

    if ~exist('opt','var') || (exist('opt','var') && ~isfield(opt,'writeFlag'))

    if ~exist('opt','var') || (exist('opt','var') && ~isfield(opt,'separator'))
    if isnumeric(fileInput)
    % Write the matrix to file with separated
    fid = fopen(fileName, opt.writeFlag);
    fprintf(fid, [repmat(['%g' opt.separator], 1, size(fileInput,2)-1) '%g\n'],fileInput);

    elseif iscell(fileInput{1})
    fid = fopen(fileName, opt.writeFlag);
    for s = 1:length(fileInput)
    for w = 1:length(fileInput{s})
    if ischar(fileInput{s})
    fprintf(fid, ['%s' opt.separator], fileInput{s}{w});
    fprintf(fid, ['%s' opt.separator], num2str(fileInput{s}{w}));
    fprintf(fid, '\n');

    fid = fopen(fileName, opt.writeFlag);
    for s = 1:length(fileInput)
    if ischar(fileInput{s})
    fprintf(fid, ['%s' opt.separator], fileInput{s});
    fprintf(fid, ['%s' opt.separator], num2str(fileInput{s}));
    if ~strcmp(opt.separator,'\n')
    fprintf(fid, '\n');

Extract Sentences from a Wall Street Journal tree file

  • % reads in WSJ file in which each tree is on one line
    % splits it at spaces,
    % matches all words that end with some parentheses
    % richard @ socher .org

    inFile = '../data/trees/wsj/finalTestTrees.txt'
    outFile = [inFile '_justSentences.txt']

    lines = readTextFile(inFile);

    fid = fopen(outFile, 'w');

    for l = 1:length(lines)
    [~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, splitStrings] = regexp(lines{l}, ' ');
    thisSent = [];
    for w = 1:length(splitStrings)
    s = regexp(splitStrings{w},'([^ \t\r\n\f\v\)]+)\)+$','tokens');
    if ~isempty(s)
    thisSent = [thisSent s{1}{1} ' '];
    fprintf(fid, '%s\n', thisSent);

Find out how many matlab licenses are being used.

  • lmstat -a

Saving Only a Matrix to PNG File

  • The commented out print command uses the current figure which needs a GUI. imwrite can save the matrix without a desktop.

  • %print('-dpng',[filename '.png'])
    imwrite(I,[filename '.png'])

Saving an image from imshow without a white/grey background

  • imshow(img)
    set(gca, 'position', [0 0 1 1], 'visible', 'off')
    print('img.png', '-dpng')

Fast Word to Number Mapping with Java Map Containers

  • Uses code above to read a text file with just the words and then each word's line number is the value for that word in a Java Container (its index).

  • Then reads in another file of sentences of words and maps the words to numbers.

  • words = readTextFile('wordsOfVocab.txt');
    wordMap = containers.Map(words,1:length(words));
    % for unknown words, the slow way: unkNum = find(strcmp(words,'UNK'));
    unkNum = wordMap('UNK')

    % load some file
    % fileLine contains words separated by spaces

    [~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, splitLine] = regexp(fileLine, ' ');
    sent = zeros(1,length(splitLine));
    for w = 1:length(splitLine)
    if wordMap.isKey(splitLine{w})
    sent(w) = wordMap(splitLine{w});
    sent(w) = unkNum;

Find all dependencies of a function

  • [list, ~, ~] = depfun('yourFunctionName')
    % filter out matlab built-in functions
    for i=1:length(list)
    if isempty(strfind(list{i},'R2010a'))

Visualizing a Bivariate Gaussian Distribution

  • You can define your covariance matrix sigma and see how it changes the shape of the Normal distribution%% Bivariate Gaussian in 2D
    [X1,X2] = meshgrid(-2:.01:2,-2:.01:2);
    mu=[0 0];
    Sigma=[1 0;0 1];
    shading interp

    %% Bivariate Gaussian in 3D
    set(h, 'linestyle', 'none');

Sort a cell array based on the length of each cell

  • If you want the shortest entries of allSNum to come first[~, Index] = sort(cellfun('length', allSNum), 'ascend');
    allSNum = allSNum(Index);

Element-wise max of all elements in a matrix

  • max(1,W) =W(ones(size(W))<W)=1;

Subassign a smaller matrix into a larger matrix at a range of indices

% example subMatrix
smiley = zeros(5,5);
smileyPos = [4,1;5 2; 5 3;5 4;4 5;2 2; 2 4]
for p = 1:size(smileyPos,1)
smiley(smileyPos(p,1),smileyPos(p,2)) = 1;

% full image
fullImg = zeros(15,15);

% range of positions where subMatrix should be:
r1 = [1:5];
r2 = [11:15];

% example call of function
fullImg = assignSubMatrix(smiley,r1,r2,fullImg);

function fullMatrix = assignSubMatrix(subMatrix,indexBlock1,indexBlock2,fullMatrix)
% Richard at

subMatrix=subMatrix' ;

X = indexBlock1(ceil([1:length(indexBlock1)*length(indexBlock2)]/length(indexBlock2)));
Y = repmat(indexBlock2(:), [1 length(indexBlock1)]);
setProd = [X(:) Y(:)];

fullMatrix(sub2ind(size(fullMatrix),setProd(:,1),setProd(:,2))) = subMatrix(:);

Compute the Probability of a Point being an outlier

  • Based on paper by Kriegel et al. Lo OP?: Local Outlier Probabilities:


% use this many points to define the neighborhood
kNN = 50;

lambda = 3;

% needs slmetric_pw


% Compute Local Outlier Probabilities %
% for data points X (trained mapped images later)
% each point is one row of this matrix

%compute all nearest neighbors
allDist = slmetric_pw(X',X','eucdist');

%first row are just the points, then follow the nearest neighbors
[allPointsNNDistances allPointsNN] = sort(allDist);

S = allPointsNN(2:kNN+1,:);
Sdist = allPointsNNDistances(2:kNN+1,:);

sigma = sqrt(sum(allPointsNNDistances.^2)./kNN);

pdist = lambda * sigma;

% expected value: E_{s\in S(o)}[pdist(s,S(s))]
Epdist = mean(pdist(S));

plof = pdist./Epdist -1;

nplof = lambda * sqrt(mean(plof.^2));

loop = erf(plof./(nplof * sqrt(2)));
loop(loop<0) = 0;

% outlier threshold:
outliers = loop>0.7;

% Visualize the example dataset
fprintf('Visualizing example dataset for outlier detection.\n\n');
hold on
plot(X(:, 1), X(:, 2), 'bx');
axis([0 30 0 30]);

plot(X(outliers, 1), X(outliers, 2), 'ro', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10);
hold off