This is a bit old and needs reformating…
Assign the same matrix to all elements of a struct array
Use the deal function and []:
[allGrad(:).Vb] = deal(df_Vb);
Multiply a 3d matrix with a vector to get a 2d matrix
% size(A) = [ 22 40 10]
% size(v) = [ 1 10]
H = bsxfun(@times,A,reshape(v,[1 1 length(v)]));
H = sum(H ,3);
% size(H) = [22 40]
Concatenate a cell array of matrices to one 3d matrix
mat3d = cat(3,manyMatrices{:});
Find a Row in Another Matrix
% check if queryRow is also a row in matrixToSearchIn
[exists location] = ismember(queryRow,matrixToSearchIn,'rows')bsxfun with eq, would work too
Preallocate a Cell Array of Full Matrices and Sparse Matrices
User some values insides the zeros function that resembles the size of your matrices
bigCellArray = cell(largeNumber,1);
bigCellArray(:) = {zeros(1,80)};For sparse matrices, we need to approximate how much data they are likely to store
oneMat = spalloc(numRows,numCols,40*numRows); % we have around at most numUsedCols = 40, each has numRows entries
allMats = repmat({oneMat},totalNum,1);
Set the value at many (row,column) index pairs in a matrix
Create new matrix B where each column in A is repeated k times:
Delete All-Zero Columns or Rows
If you want to delete all rows that contain only zeros:A=A(any(A,2),:)
This sets the matrix to all those rows we want, we can also explicitly delete them:A(~any(A,2),:) = [];
If you want to delete all columns that contain only zeros:A=A(:,any(A))
Find n smallest values in a matrix and return their indices
or just sort the entire matrix and get indices of sorted matrix elements[val pos ] = sort(costMatrix(:));
[x,y] = ind2sub(size(costMatrix),pos);
Normalize rows of matrix to sum to 1
and do not produce an Na N?, if the sum is 0:E = spdiags(spfun(@(x) 1./x,sum(E,2)),0,size(E,1),size(E,1))*E;
Normalize each row or column to length one
% each row with diag:
E = E*diag(spfun(@(x) 1./x,sqrt(sum(E.^2,1))),0);
% or each column with bsxfun
E= bsxfun(@times,1./sqrt(sum(E.^2)),E);
To free forgotten file handle locks
Read in text file
each line in one char cellt = textread('plant.train','%s','delimiter', '\n');
Plot figure to a printable pdf of correct size
set dimensions by hand to fit your figure
set(gcf,'papersize',[18,6]) % Desired outer dimensionsof figure
set(gcf,'paperposition',[0,0,18,6]) % Place plot on figure
print -dpdf myfigure.pdf
function s = cell2str(cellstr,delimeter)
% Richard _at_ Socher - org
% concatenates a cell array of strings into one long string
if nargin==1
delimeter = ','
s = [];
for i=1:length(cellstr),
s = [s, cellstr{i}];
if i~=length(cellstr),
s = [s, delimeter];
never grow matrices inside a loop, always pre-allocate (even if you don't know how large it will be) with an upper bound on what you need and just delete zero or unused entries at the end
Never change a lot of rows in a matrix, instead change columns, since matlab is column major.
Frequently compare times of different functions
Use it to compare two possible ways to do the same thingtic; for i=1:10000;inv(rand(3,3));end;toc
Simple Parallelization
if you want to use 4 cores easily:matlabpool open 4
parfor i = 1:length(parameter)
Good Optimization Package - has L-BFGS etc.
General Matlab Speed-up Packages
Plot a tree with labels on each node
Abhishek Sharma modified the below file for prettier printing, see his files: Attach:myTreeplot.txt, Attach:makeTreeFromParsed.txt (change to .m after download)
function myTreeplot(p,labels)
%TREEPLOT Plot picture of tree.
% TREEPLOT(p) plots a picture of a tree given a row vector of
% parent pointers, with p(i) == 0 for a root and labels on each node.
% Example:
% myTreeplot([2 4 2 0 6 4 6],{'i' 'like' 'labels' 'on' 'pretty' 'trees' '.'})
% returns a binary tree with labels.
% Copyright 1984-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.
% $Revision: $ $Date: 2004/06/25 18:52:28 $
% Modified by Richard @ Socher . org to display text labels
[x,y,h]=treelayout(p,1:length(p)); % RS: The second argument (1:length(p)) ensures that the leaf nodes are printed in their original order in the parent vector
f = find(p~=0);
pp = p(f);
X = [x(f); x(pp); repmat(NaN,size(f))];
Y = [y(f); y(pp); repmat(NaN,size(f))];
X = X(:);
Y = Y(:);
n = length(p);
if n < 500,
plot (x, y, 'ro', X, Y, 'r-');
plot (X, Y, 'r-');
xlabel(['height = ' int2str(h)]);
axis([0 1 0 1]);
for l=1:length(labels)
Convenient File Reading
Just reads a file into an array of cells, each cell holds one line
function fileLines = readTextFile(fileName)
fid = fopen(fileName, 'r');
fileLines = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n', 'bufsize', 99900000);
fileLines = fileLines{1};
% % % %Example usage:
% fileName = '../data/someFile.csv'
% fileLines = readTextFile(fileName);
% for li = 1:length(fileLines)
% [~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, splitLine] = regexp(fileLines{li}, '\t');
% pols = regexp(fileLines{li}, '\[.(\d)\]', 'tokens');
% %...
% end
Read in Sparse Index:Value matrix
function sparseMat = readSparseFeatures(filename)
% reads in a sparse index:value feature matrix
% format: first line: number of colums,
% remaning lines are index:value pairs
% assumes that feature indices (columns) start at 0 (will add 1)
% by
fid = fopen(filename, 'r');
fileLines = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n', 'bufsize', 99900000);
fileLines = fileLines{1};
numCols= str2double(fileLines{1});
fileLines = fileLines(2:end);
numRows = length(fileLines);
% not pretty to keep adding these indices/values
% but it's still fast for most files,
% could pre-allocate these and then cut off afterwards
allRows = [];
allCols = [];
allVals = [];
for li = 1:length(fileLines)
indexValuePairs = textscan(fileLines{li}, '%f:%f');
allRows = [allRows; repmat(li,length(indexValuePairs{1}),1)];
allCols = [allCols ;indexValuePairs{1}+1];
allVals = [allVals ;indexValuePairs{2}];
sparseMat = sparse(allRows,allCols,allVals,numRows,numCols);
Convenient Text File Writing of Matrices and String Cells
function writeTextFile(fileName,fileInput,opt)
% writeTextFile(fileName,fileInput,options)
% Prints a matrix to text file, a cell array of strings, or a cell array of cells of strings
% opt.writeFlag =
% 'a' open or create file for writing; append data to end of file
% 'r+' open (do not create) file for reading and writing
% 'w+' open or create file for reading and writing; discard
% existing contents
% 'a+' (default) open or create file for reading and writing; append data
% to end of file
% 'W' open file for writing without automatic flushing
% 'A' open file for appending without automatic flushing
% opt.separator =
% '\n' (default) or ';' or ' ' etc.
% richard _at_ socher .org
if ~exist('opt','var') || (exist('opt','var') && ~isfield(opt,'writeFlag'))
if ~exist('opt','var') || (exist('opt','var') && ~isfield(opt,'separator'))
if isnumeric(fileInput)
% Write the matrix to file with separated
fid = fopen(fileName, opt.writeFlag);
fprintf(fid, [repmat(['%g' opt.separator], 1, size(fileInput,2)-1) '%g\n'],fileInput);
elseif iscell(fileInput{1})
fid = fopen(fileName, opt.writeFlag);
for s = 1:length(fileInput)
for w = 1:length(fileInput{s})
if ischar(fileInput{s})
fprintf(fid, ['%s' opt.separator], fileInput{s}{w});
fprintf(fid, ['%s' opt.separator], num2str(fileInput{s}{w}));
fprintf(fid, '\n');
fid = fopen(fileName, opt.writeFlag);
for s = 1:length(fileInput)
if ischar(fileInput{s})
fprintf(fid, ['%s' opt.separator], fileInput{s});
fprintf(fid, ['%s' opt.separator], num2str(fileInput{s}));
if ~strcmp(opt.separator,'\n')
fprintf(fid, '\n');
Extract Sentences from a Wall Street Journal tree file
% reads in WSJ file in which each tree is on one line
% splits it at spaces,
% matches all words that end with some parentheses
% richard @ socher .org
inFile = '../data/trees/wsj/finalTestTrees.txt'
outFile = [inFile '_justSentences.txt']
lines = readTextFile(inFile);
fid = fopen(outFile, 'w');
for l = 1:length(lines)
[~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, splitStrings] = regexp(lines{l}, ' ');
thisSent = [];
for w = 1:length(splitStrings)
s = regexp(splitStrings{w},'([^ \t\r\n\f\v\)]+)\)+$','tokens');
if ~isempty(s)
thisSent = [thisSent s{1}{1} ' '];
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', thisSent);
Find out how many matlab licenses are being used.
lmstat -a
Saving Only a Matrix to PNG File
The commented out print command uses the current figure which needs a GUI. imwrite can save the matrix without a desktop.
%print('-dpng',[filename '.png'])
imwrite(I,[filename '.png'])
Saving an image from imshow without a white/grey background
set(gca, 'position', [0 0 1 1], 'visible', 'off')
print('img.png', '-dpng')
Fast Word to Number Mapping with Java Map Containers
Uses code above to read a text file with just the words and then each word's line number is the value for that word in a Java Container (its index).
Then reads in another file of sentences of words and maps the words to numbers.
words = readTextFile('wordsOfVocab.txt');
wordMap = containers.Map(words,1:length(words));
% for unknown words, the slow way: unkNum = find(strcmp(words,'UNK'));
unkNum = wordMap('UNK')
% load some file
% fileLine contains words separated by spaces
[~, ~, ~, ~, ~, ~, splitLine] = regexp(fileLine, ' ');
sent = zeros(1,length(splitLine));
for w = 1:length(splitLine)
if wordMap.isKey(splitLine{w})
sent(w) = wordMap(splitLine{w});
sent(w) = unkNum;
Find all dependencies of a function
[list, ~, ~] = depfun('yourFunctionName')
% filter out matlab built-in functions
for i=1:length(list)
if isempty(strfind(list{i},'R2010a'))
Visualizing a Bivariate Gaussian Distribution
You can define your covariance matrix sigma and see how it changes the shape of the Normal distribution%% Bivariate Gaussian in 2D
[X1,X2] = meshgrid(-2:.01:2,-2:.01:2);
mu=[0 0];
Sigma=[1 0;0 1];
shading interp
%% Bivariate Gaussian in 3D
set(h, 'linestyle', 'none');
Sort a cell array based on the length of each cell
If you want the shortest entries of allSNum to come first[~, Index] = sort(cellfun('length', allSNum), 'ascend');
allSNum = allSNum(Index);
Element-wise max of all elements in a matrix
max(1,W) =W(ones(size(W))<W)=1;
Subassign a smaller matrix into a larger matrix at a range of indices
% example subMatrix
smiley = zeros(5,5);
smileyPos = [4,1;5 2; 5 3;5 4;4 5;2 2; 2 4]
for p = 1:size(smileyPos,1)
smiley(smileyPos(p,1),smileyPos(p,2)) = 1;
% full image
fullImg = zeros(15,15);
% range of positions where subMatrix should be:
r1 = [1:5];
r2 = [11:15];
% example call of function
fullImg = assignSubMatrix(smiley,r1,r2,fullImg);
function fullMatrix = assignSubMatrix(subMatrix,indexBlock1,indexBlock2,fullMatrix)
% Richard at
subMatrix=subMatrix' ;
X = indexBlock1(ceil([1:length(indexBlock1)*length(indexBlock2)]/length(indexBlock2)));
Y = repmat(indexBlock2(:), [1 length(indexBlock1)]);
setProd = [X(:) Y(:)];
fullMatrix(sub2ind(size(fullMatrix),setProd(:,1),setProd(:,2))) = subMatrix(:);
Compute the Probability of a Point being an outlier
Based on paper by Kriegel et al. Lo OP?: Local Outlier Probabilities:
% use this many points to define the neighborhood
kNN = 50;
lambda = 3;
% needs slmetric_pw
% Compute Local Outlier Probabilities %
% for data points X (trained mapped images later)
% each point is one row of this matrix
%compute all nearest neighbors
allDist = slmetric_pw(X',X','eucdist');
%first row are just the points, then follow the nearest neighbors
[allPointsNNDistances allPointsNN] = sort(allDist);
S = allPointsNN(2:kNN+1,:);
Sdist = allPointsNNDistances(2:kNN+1,:);
sigma = sqrt(sum(allPointsNNDistances.^2)./kNN);
pdist = lambda * sigma;
% expected value: E_{s\in S(o)}[pdist(s,S(s))]
Epdist = mean(pdist(S));
plof = pdist./Epdist -1;
nplof = lambda * sqrt(mean(plof.^2));
loop = erf(plof./(nplof * sqrt(2)));
loop(loop<0) = 0;
% outlier threshold:
outliers = loop>0.7;
% Visualize the example dataset
fprintf('Visualizing example dataset for outlier detection.\n\n');
hold on
plot(X(:, 1), X(:, 2), 'bx');
axis([0 30 0 30]);
plot(X(outliers, 1), X(outliers, 2), 'ro', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10);
hold off