Constructive Optimism

Constructive Optimism: A philosophical school of thought that recommends being optimistic about our ability to build incredible technology and systems. Even if the idea is too grand and not yet possible, we should try to make progress towards it with tangible, pragmatic milestones.

Examples: Artificial Super Intelligence. We may not get to it very soon, but aiming for it, defining it better, trying to build it will likely help us make incredible progress regardless. Same with becoming a multiplanetary species, world peace, defeating cancer, tripling health and life spans, etc.

I found the term being used before but not quite in this way. With increased complexity of our world, it is getting easier and easier to find flaws, issues, complaints and problems. It's getting harder and harder to find constructive solutions forward. This starts with story telling and continues all the way into engineering. I hope we can all nurture our inner constructive optimists more.


Great Podcast Conversation


Jevons Paradox of Intelligence